Rennes stations

Here are the closest stations to your rental agency.

No more searching, they are less than 10km away, for a peaceful return.

Nearest washing stations:

 Car one Concept 

3 Avenue Foreau 

9440 Villecresne

(Grande station de lavage)

Parking Aldi 

28 Boulevard Leon Revillon 

94470 Boissy St Léger 




We pay particular attention to the cleanliness of our vehicles, and at the end of a rental, the van must be returned in an impeccable state of cleanliness as when it left. Cleaning must be done inside and outside and you can use a roller or a karcher for this.

Inside, the entire vehicle must be vacuumed, including cupboards and small storage. The surfaces must be cleaned with a household product. Check the cleanliness of the fridge, the cooking fires and the dishes.

A washing option can be subscribed at the time of booking or during the rental up to 48 hours before the end for an amount of 70€. This amount is 150€ for any rental with animals which requires a lot more cleaning work.

The washing option does not include the dishes or the cleaning of the chemical toilet or any stains on the seats.

Nearest petrol stations:


55 Avenue Général Leclerc 

94470 Boissy St Léger 


1 bis Avenue Gabriel Péri

94450 Limeil Brévannes


The vehicle must be returned with the same level of fuel as at the start.

If applicable, the difference will be charged at the rate of the fuel station closest to the agency, plus 30%.


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